GiG Kuching - The Yodel
Various artists - Coffee Song
Various artists - Twinkle
Various artists - Your Embrace
The Sma Project
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Saturday, May 13, 2006
the driver
aaron putting on his zoolander look (he calls it bruce steel?)
miss sophie trying to sell shirts (we went for a movie)
getting his drumsticks
ben in the car
hey.. haven't been blogging in a long time =P finals start this wed. some pics from my phone (they're kinda small tho) over the past few weeks. took a trip down to kl cos aaron wanted to check out some music stores.. went for a movie with tash n sophie after then PG futsal. will post more pics =)
11:31 PM
Saturday, May 13, 2006
the driver
aaron putting on his zoolander look (he calls it bruce steel?)
miss sophie trying to sell shirts (we went for a movie)
getting his drumsticks
ben in the car
hey.. haven't been blogging in a long time =P finals start this wed. some pics from my phone (they're kinda small tho) over the past few weeks. took a trip down to kl cos aaron wanted to check out some music stores.. went for a movie with tash n sophie after then PG futsal. will post more pics =)
11:31 PM
in my
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logic puzzles, brainteasers
Ben Shyen
Bryan Limus
Daphne Cheah
Kelvin Lim
Michelle Ng
Sma Ann-Nyee
check this out
wish. i wish,
hope in a green cup
missing pic
weekend pics
give me a hand with this
the pan that peter flew.